March staged to protest Bolivian road plan


Hundreds of indigenous people from the Bolivian Amazon embarked this month on a march to protest government plans to build a road through their autonomous rainforest territory. The Aug. 15 start of the 310-mile (500-km) march from the Amazonian city of Trinidad to the highland capital of La Paz came as bulldozers began work on a section of a new highway that will run through the Isiboro Sécure Indigenous Territory and National Park, a 3,860 square-mile (9,997-sq-km) nature preserve held jointly by people from the Yuracaré, Moxeño, and Chimáne indigenous groups. The park, which includes cloud forest, flooded savannah and lowland tropical rainforest, is widely considered one of Bolivia’s most biodiverse areas, with 3,000 plant species and animal populations that... [Log in to read more]

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