Elevated level of herbicide in honey stirs debate in Uruguay

Uruguayan honey exports have been facing headwinds in the United States and Europe since five shipping containers of the country’s honey were rejected in Germany in August on account of chemical contamination. Germany’s action, taken after glyphosate herbicide was found in the honey in concentrations above the maximum allowable European Union standard of 50 milligrams per kilogram, was only the first blow to Uruguay’s beekeepers. After the shipments were barred entry to Germany, Uruguay’s Ministry of Ranching, Agriculture and Fishing (MGAP) issued a statement calling on honey producers to stop using glyphosate on their fields. The ministry statement drew a swift and angry reaction from two prominent associations of rural producers—the Uruguayan Apiculture Society (SAU) and the National Commission of Rural Promotion (CNFR). The... [Log in to read more]

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